On the basis of my little experience and seeing the movement of front liners, and also of the hunch, that "FEW ECONIMICALLY BIG, whoever they are, regardless of ethical and MORAL considerations, are duping the Indian public or people elsewhere,. It is my earnest desire, that despite the political compulsions, We INDIANS, should not be DUPED by such FEW trying to Control the people in INDIA or elsewhere, creating the Illusion of MAYA, remain BALANCED and not be swayed by the MIRAGE (MRIG TRISHNA). Till the Time, the price of PETROL, where the investment, of those BIG has grown 100 Times in a span of year or so, maniupulating, the prices, in speculative market, and I FIRMLY BELIEVE “That PRICE, not backed by delivery, is not a price and is ILLUSION, nothing LESS Nothing More !!.” Those In India, Propogating, that Futures Market in Commodities or Stocks, do not affect prices, In INDIA OR Elsewhere, are disillusioned LOT, believing in the Simplified Version OF CAPITALISM, like those Who believe in the Simplified version of Communism. “
HENCE, I PRAY TO ALL INDIANS, NOT HAVING THE RETAINING CAPACITY COMPARABLE TO THE BIG FEW SHOULD KEEP AWAY FROM THE SPECULATION IN STOCKS OR COMMODITIES“ . This view of mine is backed by various indian concepts relating to gambling and also by the saying of PRUDENT AMERICAN, viz. Mark Twain,
" A person should not SPECULATE TWICE, once When he can, and the other. once when he cannot"