Thursday, August 21, 2008


On the basis of my little experience and seeing the movement of front liners, and also of the hunch, that "FEW ECONIMICALLY BIG, whoever they are, regardless of ethical and MORAL considerations, are duping the Indian public or people elsewhere,. It is my earnest desire, that despite the political compulsions, We INDIANS, should not be DUPED by such FEW trying to Control the people in INDIA or elsewhere, creating the Illusion of MAYA, remain BALANCED and not be swayed by the MIRAGE (MRIG TRISHNA). Till the Time, the price of PETROL, where the investment, of those BIG has grown 100 Times in a span of year or so, maniupulating, the prices, in speculative market, and I FIRMLY BELIEVE “That PRICE, not backed by delivery, is not a price and is ILLUSION, nothing LESS Nothing More !!.” Those In India, Propogating, that Futures Market in Commodities or Stocks, do not affect prices, In INDIA OR Elsewhere, are disillusioned LOT, believing in the Simplified Version OF CAPITALISM, like those Who believe in the Simplified version of Communism. “

HENCE, I PRAY TO ALL INDIANS, NOT HAVING THE RETAINING CAPACITY COMPARABLE TO THE BIG FEW SHOULD KEEP AWAY FROM THE SPECULATION IN STOCKS OR COMMODITIES“ . This view of mine is backed by various indian concepts relating to gambling and also by the saying of PRUDENT AMERICAN, viz. Mark Twain,

" A person should not SPECULATE TWICE, once When he can, and the other. once when he cannot"

The movements in the market are manipulative and to understand that kindly refer to my post on 19.08.08 or so under “Odd one out” on this message board( Money and also at I would welcome comments, even if against my point of view. This is facilty is also at "http//" I welcome u all to post your comments on this board and on my blog site, which though is not regular

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Defacto Indian Economy & Media

  1. It is not clear, why the whole of Media, is talking about REFORMS in the Indian Economy, including, your TV-18 channels, without considering that India is an agrigarian econmy?
  2. That, whenever I switch on the T.V., all channels are talking of Reforms, and only the representatives from business, are out there, there is no representaion from the Aggrigarian Community, Why ?
  3. That the progress in the Indian Economy is harped and limited to few pockets comprising mainly to the Metropoliton Towns ? Does it represent the suffering and status or even the view of majority of people, living out there in SLUMS of those towns ?
  4. That, in 1990 or may be in 1985 or little later, a Small Scale Industry was one, that had plant and Machinery, not exceeding Rs. Five lacs, and suddenly it was changed to Rs. 25 Lacs and later to 5 Crores, Why ?
  5. That, by necessary Implication, the planners and those at the helm were aware that, we would be IMPORTING INFLATION, and they safeguarded themselves, by increasing their remuneration, disregarding the hardships of a common man, and are they not bent upon the same ?
  6. That, It is not clear, that before 1990, we did not have a beautiful WOMAN, to be crowned as MISS WORLD OR UNIVERSE, Whatever it may be, but suddenly, Indian Women Got that, Why and for what reasons, was it not for propagating the useless and undesirable Cosmetics ?
  7. That the government allowed soft drinks maker to enter India, under the guise, that if we prohibit them, wrong signals would be sent to Foreign Investors, but why did not the Government take any action against one of the Foreign Soft Drink Major, who was breaking the bottles of Indian Soft Drink Manufacturers, so that they were out of market for a considerable period of time ? Further, another Soft Drink Major was Blackmailing their INDIAN Competitors in selling out their Businesses, a little apparently ethical way, but the Govt. was sleeping ?
  8. That, last but not the least, I will make it clear, that I am neither a Communist or a Capitalist, having read KARL MARX and AYN RAND, both.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

बीएसएनएल के शेयर क्यों बेचे जा रहे है ?

बीएसएनएल के शेयर क्यों बेचे जा रहे है ? इसका फ़ैसला कब हुआ । मुझे इन्टरनेट इस्तेमाल करने में ०७.०८.२००८ से दिक्कत आ रही है। इससे पहले दिक्कत बीएसएनएल पर नही आई थी । लेकिन रिलायंस के कनेक्शन पर कनेक्शन लेते ही आयी थी । उन्होंने क्या मुझे बेवाकूफ बनाने की कोशिश नही की ? क्या बीएसएनएल भी उसी परिपाटी पर चल रहा है ? बातें मेरी समझ के बहार हैं ?

Thursday, August 7, 2008


कल क्रूड के दाम ११७ -११८ डालर छू गए, तो कया भारतीये शेयर बाज़ार तेज़ होंगे , यह प्रश्न है । देश के हालात ठीक नही लगते । कल वीदेशी संस्थागत निवेशिको ने १८०० करोर की खरीद की और भारतीय संथागत निवेशिकों ने ८०० करोड़ की बिक्री की, बाज़ार लगभग आज और कल फ्लैट बंद हुआन। ऐसा क्यों ? मुझे लगता है की भारत जैसे कोई मजबूरी में अपना घर बेचता है वैसे ही सरकार भारत की सरकारी कंपनियों को बेचने का प्रयास कर रहा हैं । मेरी समझ में नही आता की पिछले पाँच सालों में बाहर से इतना पैसा आया और सरकार ने मूलभूत सुविधायें को बनाने में उसे इस्तेमाल नही कियां और उस पैसे पर लगभग ३% ब्याज कमानें में क्यों लगा दिया । बहुत से प्रशन हैं ? कया आप कुछ प्रकाश दाल सकते है?
